RC Hammer

Reverse Circulation Hammers are specifically designed for all kind of exploration drilling, including deep hole and pit grade control applications.

Whether you are exploring potential sites or working an existing mine, RC hammer will assure of high performance, exceptional reliability and de-pendable support.

Reverse Circulation Hammers are specifically designed for all kind of exploration drilling, including deep hole and pit grade control applications.

Whether you are exploring potential sites or working an existing mine, RC hammer will assure of high performance, exceptional reliability and de-pendable support.


Based on previous experience of ordinary hammers, combined with the features of reverse circulation hammer, optimized internal structure and ideal energy transfer, thus ensuring the series of hammers drilling with fast, smooth and continuous sampling. 

•The inlernal structure is very simple with components of high rigidity, ttius ensuring long life and easy maintenance of the hammer. 

•The sample tube adopts an integrative design and can be replaced without disassembling the hammer. With carburizing Ireatinent it has good abrasive resistance. 

•Equipped with bits designed with patent simply by replacing the drill bit, the same hammer can drill holes of different sizes ensuring that the sample is not contaminated. 

•In difficult conditions such as loose soil, hard rock and plenty of water exists, sampling can be done well. 

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