DD Tools

// DD Tools

Diamond Drilling Tools, Wireline Core Drilling System, Wireline core barrels, inner tube assembly, head assembly, overshot

Wireline drilling tools can lift up rock cores from deep holes without lifting up the rods string and bit.

The complete wireline core drilling system include core barrel assembly, overshot, bit, reaming shell, drill rods, wrenches, hoist plug,clamps, winch etc.

core barrel.png

The complete core barrel assembly include outer tube group and inner tube group.

The outer tube group include core bit, reaming shell, stabilizer, outer tube, landing ring, adaptor coupling & locking coupling.

The inner tube group include core lifter case, core lifter, stop ring, inner tube & head assembly.


The advantages of DD drilling are high penetration rate, complete rock core recovery, long seriving life of bits & reamers, rods, and low labour intensity etc.

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